Altoona High School welcomed thousands of Chippewa Valley residents on Saturday for Senator Bernie Sanders’ “Fight Oligarchy” Tour.
Senator Sanders has been traveling across the country in recent weeks, hosting rallies in congressional districts where Republican representatives won by small margins in the November election. The rallies are part of his efforts to push back on proposed cuts to federal programs like Medicaid, Social Security, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
Senator Sanders also used the platform to criticize current campaign finance laws. “The Trump administration is a government of the billionaire class, by the billionaire class, and for the billionaire class,” he said. “For a number of years, I have been talking about how our nation is moving toward an oligarchic form of society. My friends, we are no longer moving towards oligarchy. We are living in oligarchy.”
The criticisms come as Wisconsin watches the most expensive State Supreme Court campaign in its history approach its final days.
During his speech, Senator Sanders also challenged Congressman Derrick Van Orden to hold a town hall with his constituents. Congressman Van Orden has faced wide criticism for his perceived lack of availability in recent weeks. A member of his staff recently canceled a meeting at the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library in Eau Claire after learning over 100 people had signed up to attend.
Following that meeting, Congressman Van Orden accused the organizers of being a “George Soros funded group that is crashing meetings around the country.”
Members of Senator Sanders’ staff estimated that around 2,600 people attended the event at Altoona High School. “When we stand together, not only are we going to defeat the oligarchs in my humble opinion.” said Senator Sanders in closing. “We can create a government that works for all of us, not just the few.”
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