Community Calendar
Friday, March 28
The Riverdale Drama Club will present its annual Spring Play Friday and Saturday, March 28 & 29, at 7:00 in the Riverdale High School Little Theater. The production is called “A Simpler Time,” and tells the story, through several vignettes, of three high school students who travel in time to look for a less complicated historical era to experience.
A Friends of Blue River Jigsaw Puzzle Competition will be held Friday, March 28, at 7:00 at 201 Clinton Street in Blue River. Doors will open at 6:00. Teams of up to four-members will compete to complete a 500-piece puzzle. Cost is $12 per team. For more information check out Friends of Blue River Facebook page.
Saturday, March 29
The A D German Warehouse designed by Frank Lloyd Wright will be hosting author Jim Draeger. Draeger, co-author of Bottoms Up: A Toast to Wisconsin’s Historic Bars &
Breweries and Fill’er Up: The Glory Days of Wisconsin Gas Stations. The History Makers Tour stop in Richland Center will be held Saturday (March 29) at 2:00 at the A.D. German Warehouse. Admission is free.
Sunday, March 30
Rehearsals will be held for the Muscoda Community Band Sunday, March 30, and April 6 at 1:00 in the Riverdale High School Band Room. The concert will be held Sunday, April 13, at 1:00 in the Riverdale High School Gym.
Monday, March 31
The Richland County Highway Department will be lifting road bans Monday, March 31.
Work will begin on the west bridge at the Richland Campus on Monday, March 31. Access to Symons Recreation Complex will be available by using the east bridge.
The River Valley Area Community Gardens has garden plots available for 2025. 10’x10′ plots rent for $20 for the season, 10’x20′ for $40, ad 20’x20′ plots for $60. The fee includes straw mulch, use of a rototiller and other tools, compost, organic fertilizer, water to each plot section, and hoses. Print registration forms are available in the INFO BOX at the Gardens in Spring Green. Forms may also be requested via email at [email protected], by texting 608-588-6040 or through the RVACG Facebook page or website
Tuesday, April 1
Tech Help Tuesday will be held every Tuesday at the Brewer Public Library from 9:00 to Noon. Get basic help with all apps and devices. Walk-ins are welcome. Appointments can be scheduled by calling the Brewer Public Library at 608-647-6444. There is no charge for this service.
Vernon County Over 50 will host Easy Yoga for Seniors at Bethel Home Fellowship Hall in Viroqua on Tuesdays from 10:30 to 11:15. To register leave a message for Vernon County Over 50 at 262-384-0082 or email [email protected].
Richland County Senior Dining Meal sites are open to the public for in-person dining. The Woodman Senior Center will serve meals Monday through Friday at 11:45. Home delivered meals are available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Call Tina or Sandi at 608-647-2323. The Germantown Senior Dining Meal Site, located at St. Anthony’s School (32497 County Highway V, Cazenovia) is open Wednesdays with serving at 11:15. Home delivered meals are available for delivery Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. To reserve a meal call Rita at 608-983-2798. The Rockbridge Meal Site at Bethlehem Lutheran Church (25500 Rockbridge School Street, Richland Center) is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with serving at 11:30. To reserve a meal, call Norma Pyfferoen at 608-647-3900 or 608-649-3269. All reservations must be made by 1:00 the day prior. The suggested contribution for those age 60 and older is $4.00.
A Red Cross blood drive will be held Tuesday, April 1, from 12:30 to 5:30 at the Lone Rock Community Building. To make an appointment call 1-800-RED-CROSS or go online to
People First Bowling, bowling for people with disabilities, is held each Tuesday from 3:00 to 5:00 at the Phoenix Center in Richland Center. Cost to participate is $2 per game. For more information call The Phoenix Center at 608-649-7469.
Wednesday, April 2
The Winter Market will be held each Wednesday at the Richland Center Community and Senior Center from Noon until 4:00.
Vernon County Over 50 hosts Tai Chi Exercise at Bethel Home in Viroqua, and the Ontario and Readstown Public Libraries each Monday and Wednesday from 1:00 to 1:45. For more information call Vernon County Over 50 at 262-384-0082.
Christy’s Card Buddies get together, for a Euchre Tournament, each Wednesday at 1:00 at the old Avoca School Gym.
Vernon County Over 50 will host, Slam the Scam: Knowledge to Fight Scams in an AI World with Courtney Anclam, Senior Program Specialist from AARP in Madison. The program will be held Wednesday, April 2, at 2:15 at the McIntosh Memorial Library in Viroqua, the Ontario, Viola & Readstown Public Libraries. Call Vernon County Over 50 for more information at 262-384-0082.
Farmers of Richland County are invited to an informational meeting to learn about producer-led watershed groups. The goal of these groups is to support producer-led solutions to improve soil and water quality in local watersheds. The Richland County meeting will be held Wednesday, April 2, from 3:00 to 4:00 at the American Legion Post in Richland Center. All producers in Richland County are invited to attend. For more information contact Anastasia at 608-477-3018.
The Riverdale School District is seeking bus drivers. To find out more you are invited to an open house on Wednesday, April 2, from 5:00 to 7:00 at the Riverdale Bus Garage.
A Bike MS BBQ meal will be served Wednesday, April 2, from 5:30 to 6:45 at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Richland Center.
Hill County Classic Power will meet Wednesday night, April 2, at 8:00 at the Phoenix Center in Richland Center.
Thursday, April 3
Vernon County Human Services Department will assist individuals with Power of Attorney for Healthcare documents the first Thursday of each month from 9:00 to Noon at the Aging & Disability Resource Center of Vernon County. To make an appointment call 608-637-5201 or 1-888-637-1323.
The UW-Platteville Athletic Department will host a bone marrow drive in partnership with the National Marrow Donor Program Thursday, April 3, from 10:00 to 4:00 at three locations on campus: Bridgeway Commons, Williams Fieldhouse and the Markee Pioneer Student Center. The goal is to register more than 500 people with the National Marrow Donor Program Registry.
If you’re the main caregiver of a person living with dementia, you can join Agrace for a new “how-to” education series, Learning to Live with Dementia. The classes are taught by Agrace staff who have experience caring for people who have dementia. Three classes on caregiver training will be held in April. The first session, titled “Legal and Financial Decisions,” will be held on Thursday, April 3, from 2:00 to 3:00. The second session, “Facility Support when You Need It,” is scheduled for Wednesday, April 16, from 3:00 to 4:00. The third session, “Living Alone with Dementia,” will take place on Wednesday, April 30, from 3:00 to 4:00. Each class is $20, and you may attend online using Microsoft Teams. To register online, visit For questions, contact [email protected] or call 608-276-4660.
Celebrate Recovery -RC meets every Thursday night from 6:00 to 8:00 at the Nazarene Outreach Center in Richland Center. Food is available starting at 5:30. Celebrate Recovery – Richland Center is sponsored by Grace Community Church.
Deke Slayton Memorial Space & Bicycle Museum presents author Nicholas Hoffman. This free event will be held Thursday, April 3, at 6:30. Hoffman will talk about his book, Wheel Fever, which covers the origins of bicycling in Wisconsin. Copies of the book will be available for purchase.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints offers a free course to anyone who wants to learn English. The class runs from 7:00 to 8:00 PM every Thursday and from 11:00 until Noon every Saturday at the Church located on Executive Lane in Richland Center. For more information, call (262) 893-3763. (La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días ofrece un curso gratuito a cualquier persona que desee aprender inglés. La clase va de 7:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. todos los jueves y de 11:00 a.m. a 12:00 del mediodía todos los sábados, y se enseña en la Iglesia ubicada en 26220 Executive Lane, Richland Center, justo arriba de la colina detrás de Kentucky Fried Chicken. Simplemente vaya hacia el sur por la autopista 14 hacia Walmart y está en el lado izquierdo (este) de la carretera. Para obtener más información, llame al (262) 893-3763.)
Friday, April 4
UW Extension will host a Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Training for tobacco producers on Thursday, April 10, from 9:00 to 11:00 at the Lafayette County Multi-Purpose Building. This will be a live, video session facilitated by experts from the University of Kentucky and University of Tennessee. Topics include production updates, environment training, and updates on types of tobacco. To register, contact Jordyn Sattler by phone at 608-228-0208 or email [email protected]. Please register by April 4.
St. Luke Church in Plain will serve a family style fish fry Friday, April 4, from 5:00 to 8:00. Carry-outs will also be available.
Break bread with community members at a free community meal each Friday at 5:30 at the Other Door in Viroqua, Vernon County’s Drop In Center.
Saturday, April 5
A Bake Shop and Breakfast will be held Saturday, April 5, from 8:00 to 10:00 at First Lutheran Church in Lone Rock. Everyone is welcome.
The Nascar Fans United Walk with GRACE team will host a spring craft fair Saturday, April 5, from 9:00 to 3:00 in the lower level of the Ramada White House in Richand Center.
The 13th Annual 5-K-9 Run/Walk and Kids Fun Run will be held at the Vernon County Sheriff’s Office in Viroqua on Saturday, April 5. The registration form can be found on the Vernon County website. Go to the Sheriff’s Office tab, and then under the K-9 Unit tab you will see the registration form, which can be printed off and sent in. The cost is $30. All proceeds will help benefit the K-9 Unit.
A benefit will be held for Carol Nelson Saturday, April 5, at Roosters Bar in Readstown. A Poker Run will be held at 11:00. The day will also include raffles, food and beverages from 1:00 to 5:00 and the live band ETO from 5:00 to 8:00.
Knights of Columbus Council 3492 will be hosting bingo Saturday, April 5, starting at 6:30 at the Richland Center Community Center. The progressive jackpot will be $2,395 + 50% of net sales in 54 calls or less.
First Baptist Church of Medford will welcome Nashville-based singer-songwriter and worship leader Matthew Smith & Indelible Grace for a concert Saturday, April 5, at 7:00. Tickets for the concert are available for $10 in advance, or $15 at the door. Tickets can be purchased at First Baptist Church, or online via Eventbrite ( Children aged 3 and up require a ticket. More opportunities to engage will be held throughout the weekend. In addition to the concert, First Baptist Church is hosting a full weekend of worship and fellowship featuring Matthew Smith & Indelible Grace. A Worship Seminar will be held Saturday, April 5, at 5:00, with a Community Potluck at 6:00.
Sunday Worship Services led by Matthew Smith & Indelible Grace will also be held Sunday, April 6, at 8:30 and 10:45.
Sunday, April 6
The RCHS Class of 1968 will host a dance Sunday, April 6, from 1:00 to 5:00 at the Phoenix Center. Music will be provided by Monty Berger & the Country Gold Band. There will also be a silent auction, food, a bake sale, and raffles. Cost of admission is a $10 donation. Proceeds will benefit community projects.
Monday, April 7
A Red Cross blood drive will be held Monday, April 7, from 1:00 to 6:00 at the American Legion in Plain. Appointments are preferred at or call 1-800-RED-CROSS. Walk-ins will be accepted if time allows.
Tuesday, April 8
The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Vernon County offers a free social group for individuals with early-stage dementia. The social group meets on the second and last Mondays of the month from 10:00 to 11:30 at the McIntosh Memorial Library conference room in Viroqua. The social group provides an opportunity to meet other people on a similar journey and share life stories with each other. Spouses, adult children, and friends are encouraged to join the group, too. To learn more, call Teresa at the ADRC of Vernon County at phone number 608-637-5201.
The Boaz Village Board will meet Tuesday, April 8, at 6:00 at the Boaz Community Building. The agenda may be accessed at
Thursday, April 10
The Vernon County Health Department offers “Wellness Screenings” the second Thursday of the month from 7:30 to 10:30. The screening includes cholesterol and blood sugar levels, as well as an assessment of blood pressure and discussion of risk factors for heart disease. A $10 donation is requested, but not required. For more information visit the Vernon County website. For assistance in making an appointment contact the Vernon County Health Department by phone at 608-637-5251, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 to 4:30.
Tech Help is available the second Thursday of the month from 2:00 to 4:00 at the Lone Rock Community Library. You can get assistance with your devices or computers. Walk-ins welcome. There is no charge for this service.
The American Legion Auxiliary Post 491 in Cazenovia will host a spaghetti supper Thursday, April 10, from 4:00 to 7:00 at the Cazenovia Legion Hall. Cost of the meal is $12 for adults, $6 for children 6 to 12, and free for children under 6. Carry-outs will be available. Proceeds benefit scholarships and other educational programs.
The 2025 Boscobel MobilePack for Feed My Starving Children will be held April 10 through 12 at Truvant Building #3 in Boscobel. Public registration for the Boscobel MobilePack is underway. Seven packing shifts are planned again this year, with 100 volunteers needed per shift. Teams are divided into groups of 10, so it’s helpful, but not necessary, to have 10 be your team size. Contact to register. To learn more go to to learn more. Financial donations to the Boscobel MobilePack can also be made at
Saturday, April 12
Large Item Pickup will be held in Richland Center on Saturday, April 12. Items included: couches, chairs, tables, carpeting, entertainment centers and such. This pickup does not include: lumber or construction materials, brush, leaves, yard waste, microwaves, tv’s, air conditioners, appliance, or computer equipment. Please have items to the curb by 6:00 AM.
Wisconsin Singers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison will take the stage at River Valley High School Saturday, April 12, at 7:00. The event will open with performances from the River Valley High School Choir and features RVHS Choir alum Nicholas Daniel. Wisconsin Singers is also choreographed by RVHS alum Michael Stanek.
Tickets are priced at $15 for adults and $10 for RV Students or Seniors. Tickets are available in advance at or at the door.
Sunday, April 13
A Sunday Funday Square Dance will be held Sunday, April 13, from 1:00 until 4:00 at the Richland Center Community Center.
The Richland Concert Association will host violinist, Kangwon Kim, Sunday, April 13, at 2:00 at the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Tickets are priced at $15 for adults and free for students.
Monday, April 14
Rolling Hills Toastmasters Club meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from 6:30 to 8:00. Meetings are held at Eagle School in Classrooom 2. Meetings are hybrid, meaning you can attend in person or by zoom. For more information or zoom link call 608-604-7743.
Thursday, April 17
The Walk with GRACE planning committee meets the third Thursday of each month at 6:00 at the GRACE Office. All are welcome to attend. Volunteers are always needed. The GRACE Office is located above Royal Bank in downtown Richland Center.
Saturday, April 19
The Little Lamb’s Closet, held at Park Street Christian Church, sponsored by the Richland County Right to Life, is open the third Saturday of the month starting at 9:30. Please use the Park Street entrance.
Free milk and cheese is available the third Saturday of each month from 9:30 until gone at Park Street Christian Church. Use the Seminary Street entrance.
Tuesday, April 22
The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Eagle Country, Richland County office is offering the Richland Center Caregiver Support Group at the Woodman Senior Center on the fourth Tuesday of each month from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM. This group offers a chance to connect with local experts, family members and care partners who may be experiencing similar circumstances. To RSVP, or for information, you may call the ADRC at 608-647-4616 or Pam, the Dementia Care Specialist, at 608-548-3954.
Wednesday, April 23
Vernon County Over 50 will host, Sustainable, Green Living Design with Sonya Newenhouse of Prairie Wind Wednesday, April 23, at 2:15. Learn of the development at Hansen Farm across from Aldi’s. at Bethel Home Fellowship Hall in Viroqua, the Ontario, Viola and Readstown Public Libraries. For more information call Vernon County Over 50 at 262-384-0082.
Second Harvest Mobile Food Pantry will be in Gays Mills the fourth Wednesday of each month from 2:00 to 3:00. It will be located at 212 Main Street.
Friday, April 25
A Friends of Blue River Jigsaw Puzzle Competition will be held Friday, April 25, at 7:00 at 201 Clinton Street in Blue River. Doors will open at 6:00. Teams of up to four-members will compete to complete a 500-piece puzzle. Cost is $12 per team. For more information check out Friends of Blue River Facebook page.
Monday, April 28
The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Vernon County offers a free support group for individuals diagnosed with either early-stage dementia or Mild Cognitive Impairment. The support group provides an opportunity to learn more about your diagnoses and share your experiences with others on a similar journey. The support group meets on the last Monday of the month at 10:00 at the McIntosh Memorial Library conference room in Viroqua. To learn more, call Teresa at 608-637-5201.
Good Shepherd Church in Viroqua offers a free community meal the fourth Monday of each month from 5:00 to 6:30. All are welcome.
When the Earth Moves: 55 Years of Earth Day with Tia Nelson will be held at the Taliesin Hillside Theater in Spring Green on Monday night, April 28, from 6:00 to 7:00. You are invited to celebrate the 55th anniversary of Earth Day with Nelson, a conservationist, international environmental leader, advocate for climate change action, and daughter of Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson. She will discuss the history and ongoing importance of the Earth Day movement and show the timely short film When the Earth Moves. The event is free with a recommended cash donation of $10 at the door. Book tickets at
Thursday, May 1
The film screening of Frank Lloyd Wright: Phoenix From the Ashes will be held Thursday, May 1 from 6:00 to 8:00 at Taliesin Hillside Theater, Spring Green. The documentary portrays Frank Lloyd Wright’s life and his works with film footage, photos and conversations with biographers, art historians and the author T.C. Boyle. The film screening is free with a recommended cash donation of $10 at the door. Book tickets at
Saturday, May 3
Electronic Recycling will be held Saturday, May 3, from 8:00 to Noon at the Richland County Highway Shop.
Saturday, May 10
Ocooch Mountain Humane Society will host its annual Amazing Plant Sale Saturday, May 10, from 8:00 to 2:00 at the Killian Meyer Building at Krouskop Park.
Saturday, May 17
The Nascar Fans United Walk with GRACE team will host a Quilt Gala Saturday, May 17, at the Richland Center Community Center. Dress in your prom like attire for this black-tie event. Enjoy finger foods while bidding on the quilted items donated to support GRACE. Doors will open at 6:00, the auction will begin at 8:00. Cost of entry is $10. To donate a quilt or quilted item, call Lorna Maxwell at 608-647-4234.
The Ancora String Quartet will perform at Taliesin’s Hillside Theater Saturday, May 17, at 6:00 for a “Schubertiad!” Tickets must be purchased in advance. Tickets may be purchased at
Sunday, May 18
A spring service will be held at the Brown Church Sunday, May 18, at 1:30. The message will be delivered by Pastor John Sumwalt and refreshments will be served after the service.
Services at the Brown Church are Ecumenical and open to the community. The church is located on Brown Church Road, rural Lone Rock.
Saturday, June 21
The International Crane Foundation in Baraboo will host An Evening with the Cranes Saturday, June 21, beginning at 4:00 . Enjoy beverages and food while you meet local and regional staff and, of course, cranes. Tickets are $100 for members, $120 for non-members and can be purchased at Click on the lean tab and then events.
Saturday, August 16
The Paddle Festival will be held in Richland Center Saturday and Sunday, August 16 and 17. One of the main highlights of the weekend is the Run, Walk, and Parade event, where all are encouraged to dress in their favorite music genre and era. For those who prefer two wheels, there will be bike rides that wind through the countryside. And if you’re feeling adventurous, kayaking events will be held to explore the waterways. There will also be live entertainment throughout the weekend with local and regional artists; and there will be an art, wine, and sporting goods auction.