Phil Nee
Summer on the old family farm was a mix of fun and hard work. I worked hard to hide when there was work to do although I was motivated by music. If I behaved myself and helped with hay and other chores, I could get an allowance. For 63 cents at Shultz Brothers Department Store (a.k.a. the Dime Store), I could buy a brand new 45 r.p.m. record. In the Spring of 1971, there were lots of hits I could buy. Some of my favorites from the month of June are, It Don’t Come Easy-Ringo Starr, It’s Too Late-Carole King, I’ll Meet You Halfway-Partridge Family, Love Her Madly-Doors, Indian Reservation-Raiders, Albert Flasher-Guess Who, Brown Sugar-Rolling Stones, Treat Her Like a Lady-Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose, Take Me Home Country Roads-John Denver, Get It On-Chase, and Sooner Or Later-Grass Roots. It was a wonderful time in popular music because nearly every type of music was a part of the melting pot.
My sister and I would pick blackberries, black caps, goose berries, rhubarb, asparagus, and plums which all grew wild around the farm. Mother would make the most amazing farm wife, Richland County Homemaker pies that you can imagine. The ice cream man would stop by, and mom would buy a few groceries from his truck. We often would buy popsicles. The double sticked black raspberry flavor was my favorite. Floating down the Willow Creek in an old inner tube was also a highlight. It was an early version of the lazy river with a lazy kid in the muddy water. It was a great time to grow up. When I play the old rock and roll on Saturday night, I am right back there. I hope you have time to listen to Those Were the Days on WRCO FM 100.9 or on Saturday night when we feature the best of the fifties through the eighties. You can download the Civic Media app and listen live. You can request a song or be the first wise person to answer the trivia question. Hats off to all of our long distance and our loyal local folks. You make six hours go by very quickly. Thanks to the Wizards of Rods Car club. They made me a Those Were the Days framed gold record to hang on my wall. It is awesome!