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Wausau’s City Clerk Reports An Irregularity After The Mayor Secretly Removes Ballot Box

Wausau’s City Clerk Reports An Irregularity After The Mayor Secretly Removes Ballot Box

September 26, 2024 11:42 AM CDT

By: Brittney Merlot

WAUSAU, Wis. (WXCO) – Withholding the box from elections and video of the Mayor wheeling it away, the DA and WEC are now investigating.

Wausau Mayor Doug Diny’s decision to remove the absentee ballot drop box from in front of City Hall has now become more than a talker. 

Wausau City Clerk Kaitlyn Bernarde said in a news release Wednesday she reported the absentee drop box removal as an election irregularity to the Wisconsin District Attorney and the Wisconsin Elections Commission. 

In the statement is says the ballot box was intended to be used. Saying that they had labeled it on Friday “Official Drop Box” and when city staff went to bolt it down on Monday, it was gone. The only thing that remains now is blue tape where it once stood. The box thankfully, was locked and it did not have any ballots inside.

Whistleblowers contacted the media on Monday and the news broke by Tuesday. Revealing a picture of Diny dressed in a suit and hard hat wheeling the box away. At first, there was an outcry as to why the public hadn’t heard from the City Clerk yet.

Since this matter has now been reported by Wausau’s City Clerk and being investigated by the DA and WEC, the ballot box will not be allowed for use. Voters who wish to return their absentee ballot can do so in the silver payment box outside of City Hall.

Before Tuesday’s City Council meeting, a “Ballot Box” rally was held outside of City Hall, where the box once was.

Outraged community members even spoke at the meeting.

Stating enough is enough and they want the conspiracy theory to end. Many commented on the fact that an elected official should never have his hands on an election box. The registered voters of Wausau wanted an investigation and for this not to be swept under the rug.

Based on the Supreme Court’s decision in July, City Clerks have the right to choose if they want a drop box. The Mayor doesn’t. Here’s Mayor Doug Diny’s response at Tuesday’s City Council meeting.

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