Jo Ann Krulatz
An Ithaca FFA member has won a State Proficiency to earn gold at Nationals. The 2024 Swine Production Entrepreneurship proficiency winner is Talena Sprecher of the Ithaca FFA. This proficiency is sponsored by the Wisconsin Pork Association. When Talena joined FFA in 2019, she developed a passion for making an impact on the show pig industry. Talena’s thirst for advancement and information led her to travel the nation and meet industry leaders at national conferences and shows. From her conversations, Talena was able to implement strong practices on her farm in animal health, nutrition, and breeding. Due to all of her efforts, Talena has been able to develop a herd of premium Poland China hogs. She even won Champion Poland and 4th Overall Barrow in 2023 at the Wisconsin State Fair. Now, Talena hosts show clinics across Wisconsin to help youth find the same success she did. Talena’s advisor is Melissa Sprecher. She recently found out that she received a Gold rating at Nationals as well.
Riverdale FFA’s Wyatt Storms placed second in Swine Production – Entrepreneurship and Ithaca’s Annabeth Sprecher was third at State in Swine Production – Placement.
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